January 11, 1999

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District was held on the above date in the All-Purpose Room of the Hambright Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Jack H. Bleacher, at 8:15 p.m.

The following members were present: Jack H. Bleacher, P. Wayne Fields, Dr. Richard L. Frerichs, C. Willis Herr, William L. Kreider, and Donna J. Wert. Ms. Herr, Mr. Hibshman, and Mrs. Withum were absent with Mr. Fields leaving after giving the prayer. Also present were Mr. Stephen B. Skrocki, Administrative Assistant for Business, Donald F. Stewart, Elementary Coordinator, and Dr. Michael D. Moskalski, Superintendent. Dr. Gary Campbell was absent.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Fields and was followed by the salute to the flag.

Mr. Bleacher announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District will be held on Monday, February 8, 1999, in the All-Purpose Room of the Pequea Elementary School.

Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any citizens’ comments. There were none at this time.

Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the December 7, 1998, meeting. There were none. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to approve the minutes as printed. This motion was unanimously passed by a voice vote.

Dr. Moskalski reminded the Board of the January 14 meeting with Steve Parks. He also informed the Board that our recent snow day will be made up on January 18.

Jon Ichter, student representatives to the Board, was in attendance. Jon Ichter informed the Board that the recent student ski trip taken to Killington, VT went well. All students behaved well, Mr. Canady - the advisor - did a good job. There were 52 individuals including the advisor on the non-school district sponsored trip. Everyone had a good time.

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of December, 1998 as presented and to authorize payment of bills in the amounts of $70,327.96 dated December 2, 1998, $2424,661.08 dated December 9, 1998, $65,147.78 dated December 10, 1998, $322,975.87 dated December 10, 1998, $134,470.45 dated December 17, 1998, $462,979.71 dated December 23, 1998, and $268,367.98 dated December 31, 1998 for a total of $1,566,930.83 from the General Fund; $100,555.76 dated December 21, 1998, from the Cafeteria Account; $3,000.00 dated December 2, 1998, from the 1996 Construction Fund; and payroll in the amounts of $500,822.43 dated December 9, 1998, $525,386.60 dated December 23, 1998, and $503,109.00 dated January 6, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Herr to approve for “First Reading” the Athletic Director Job Description as amended. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Herr to approve a seven year contract with Pepsi effective March 1, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve a change in the Committee of the Whole Meeting date from September 6, 1999, to August 30, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Manor Middle School. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve change orders to the following company in the amount listed per the attached sheets.

Wohlsen Construction $51,426.01
(see attached tan sheets)

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Herr to approve for “Final Reading” the In-School Suspension Job Description as attached. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached buff sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the action of the Judicial Review Committee as listed on the attached sheet. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached orchid sheet)

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve the tax exonerations as attached to the Minutes. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached green sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the budget transfers listed on the attached sheets. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached salmon sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the Local Taxpayer Bill of Rights Disclosure Statement and Tax Appeal Procedure Resolution for the collection of Earned Income and Net Profits Tax of Individual Residents of the Penn Manor School District by the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached pink sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to appoint the firm of TROUT, EBERSOLE AND GROFF as auditor for the school district for the 1998/99 fiscal year audit. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

Item 8 - Distinguished Awards Wall of Honor was tabled.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Herr to approve the granting of Family Medical Leave according to the terms listed to the following individual:

Martin, Beth A. - leave to begin February 23, 1999, and end May 17, 1999.

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Kreider to accept the resignation of Jacqueline A. Logue, elementary professional employee, effective 1/29/99. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve a sabbatical leave for Bruce G. Conrad for the second semester of the 1998/99 school year per the attached sheet. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached lavender sheet)

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the individuals listed below for substitute teaching within the school district until such time that either the school district or the individual would opt to have their name deleted from the substitute teacher list.

Michelle M. Brooks
Howard N. Hill
Daffney I. Koehler

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Wert to accept the individuals listed on the attached sheet for employment according to the conditions listed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached gray sheet)

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mr. Herr to grant tenure to Mrs. Sallie H. Bookman as she has completed two years of satisfactory teaching performance within the school district. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Kreider to grant Family Medical Leave to the following individuals according to the terms listed.

Rineer, Rebecca - leave to begin September 28, 1998, and end December 18, 1998.

Zander, Lynn - leave to begin November 3, 1998, and end December 23, 1998.

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mr. Kreider to accept the resignation of Cathy Jo Regitz, head custodian/Pequea Elementary, effective 1/1/99. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Herr to accept the individuals listed on the attached sheet for employment or change in status(*) according to the terms listed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.
(see attached canary sheet)

It was moved by Mrs. Wert and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the following student, having met the criteria as set forth in our Non-resident Student Policy, as a 50% Tuition Senior effective 12/31/98 for the remainder of the 1998/99 school year.

Cherie Amarillas

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mr. Kreider to grant permission to authorize bids for the sale of a 1982 Chevy 1/2 ton cargo van. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve for “Final Reading” the Policy for the Taxpayers Bill of Rights as previously distributed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, absent; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, absent; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, absent; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, absent.

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to adjourn at 8:49 p.m. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Jack H. Bleacher, President Dolores E. Warfel, Secretary

Last Modified 11/12/99 • Email Webmaster