March 8, 1999 |
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District was held on the above date in the All-Purpose Room of the Eshleman Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Jack H. Bleacher, at 8:20 p.m. The following members were present: Jack H. Bleacher, P. Wayne Fields, Dr. Richard L. Frerichs, Sharron M. Herr, C. Willis Herr, Richard L. Hibshman, William L. Kreider, Donna J. Wert, and Kelly K. Withum. Also present were Dr. Gary B. Campbell, Administrative Assistant for Instruction, Mr. Stephen B. Skrocki, Administrative Assistant for Business, and Dr. Michael D. Moskalski, Superintendent. Donald F. Stewart, Elementary Coordinator, was absent. The meeting was opened with prayer by Ms. Herr and was followed by the salute to the flag. Mr. Bleacher announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District will be held on Monday, April 12, 1999, in the All-Purpose Room of the Conestoga Elementary School. Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any citizens comments. There were none at this time. Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the February 25, 1999, meeting dealing with Act 50 or the March 1, 1999, Committee of the Whole Meeting. There were none. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Hibshman to approve the minutes as printed. This motion was unanimously passed by a voice vote. Dr. Moskalski distributed an article to Board members relating to the supply of administrators across the country. Jon Ichter, student representative, informed the Board that the high school musical is scheduled for March 11, 12, and 13, and invited all of them to attend. He stated that course selection wraps up on Wednesday with all students being challenged to choose the hardest courses. Jon also stated that spring sports tryouts started today, March 8. It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve the Treasurers Report for the month of February, 1999 as presented and to authorize payment of bills in the amounts of $246,554.55 dated February 3, 1999, $29,459.09 dated February 5, 1999, $171,305.78 dated February 2, 1999, $6,779.79 dated February 3, 1999, $254,688.11 dated February 11, 1999, $415,337.44 dated February 17, 1999, $163,046.60 dated February 18, 1999, and $183,492.44 dated February 25, 1999, for a total of $1,470,663.80 from the General Fund; $55,866.95 dated February 15, 1999, and $120,415.25 dated February 26, 1999, for a total of $176,282.20 from the Cafeteria Account; and payroll in the amounts of $522,259.63 dated February 17, 1999, and $521,480.44 dated March 3, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, abstained on check #52026 - payment to her for conference attendance; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the Revised 1999 Scheduled Meeting Dates as listed on the attached sheets. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached pink sheets) It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve a CISCO Networking Engineering Course at Penn Manor High School effective with the 1999/2000 school year. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve the position of the Board with regard to the direction it wishes to take relative to Act 50 as amended. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached white sheet) It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the amended fee schedule for substitute trainers. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached cherry sheet) It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve ratification of the 1999/2000 Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau Budget in the amount of $2,391,189 as approved by the Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureaus Executive Committee on February 17, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve the budget transfers listed on the attached sheets. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached buff sheets) It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the tax exonerations as attached to the Minutes. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached green sheets) It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve the action of the Judicial Review Committee as listed on the attached sheet. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, no; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached orchid sheet) It was moved by Mrs. Wert and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to approve for Final Reading the Department/Program Coordinator Job Description as previously distributed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the following student, having met the criteria as set forth in our Non-resident Student Policy, as a Tuition Free Senior effective February 1, 1999 through March 3, 1999. R. Angelica Beckerman The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Hibshman to approve the resignation of Mark Simms, secondary professional employee, effective 3/4/99. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve the individuals listed below for granting of Family Medical Leave according to the terms listed. Houck, Katherine M. - Family Medical Leave to begin April 6, 1999, and end June 28, 1999, not to exceed twelve (12) weeks. Letavic, Wendy S. - Family Medical Leave to begin April 12, 1999, and end July 4, 1999, not to exceed twelve (12) weeks. Snyder, Marcia C. - Family Medical Leave to begin February 8, 1999, and end April 30, 1999, not to exceed twelve (12) weeks. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to grant Family Medical Leave and Child Rearing Leave to the individual listed below according to the terms listed. Fonticoba, Stephanie L. - Family Medical Leave to begin approx- imately August 25, 1999, and end with the commencement of Child Rearing Leave which will begin approximately November 16, 1999, and end with the start of the 2000/2001 school year. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve the individuals listed below for substitute teaching within the school district until such time that either the school district or the individual would opt to have their name deleted from the substitute teacher list. Linda S. Cummings Andrea L. Deitz Gary T. Dundad Margaret C. Natividad (pending receipt of Act 34 Clearance) Eleanor D. Watts. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to appoint the individuals listed below to the co-curricular positions cited for the 1998/99 school term with the stipend to be in accordance with the Board approved fee schedule of payment dated 10/12/98. Auditorium Technical Supervision (1/2 position)......Sean McKnight Auditorium Technical Supervision (1/2 position)..........James Knapp (description - general building work and coordination) Field Hockey (Head)............................................................Angela Stiklaitis (with the stipend for this position to be in accordance with the approved fee schedule for the 1999/2000 school year) The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Ms. Herr to accept the individuals listed on the attached sheet for employment or change in status(*) according to the conditions listed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached salmon sheet) It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Ms. Herr to accept the resignations of the following individuals: Brown, Paul - Custodian/Conestoga Elementary - effective 2/26/99 Forney, Barbara - Cafeteria/Hambright - effective 3/11/99 This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve the individuals listed on the attached sheet to the positions of track judges, ticket takers, ticket sellers, timers, and scorers for the winter and spring sports season with the stipend to be in accordance with the Board approved schedule of payment dated 10/7/96. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached gray sheet) It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Hibshman to employ Judd Groff to the position of Substitute Trainer with the stipend to be paid on a per event worked basis in accordance with the Board approved schedule of payment dated 3/8/99. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to appoint Mrs. Kelly Withum to a three year term as representative to the I.U.13 Board and Dr. Richard Frerichs as alternate. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Fields to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. Jack H. Bleacher, President Dolores E. Warfel, Secretary |
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