October 11, 1999

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District was held on the above date in the All-Purpose Room of the Letort Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Jack H. Bleacher, at 8:21 p.m.

The following members were present: Jack H. Bleacher, P. Wayne Fields, Richard L. Frerichs, Sharron M. Herr, C. Willis Herr, Richard L. Hibshman, William L. Kreider, Donna J. Wert, and Kelly K. Withum. Also present were Dr. Gary B. Campbell, Administrative Assistant for Instruction, Mr. Stephen B. Skrocki, Administrative Assistant for Business, Donald F. Stewart, Elementary Coordinator, and Dr. Michael D. Moskalski, Superintendent.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Skrocki and was followed by the salute to the flag.

Mr. Bleacher announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District will be held on Monday, November 8, 1999, in the All-Purpose Room of the Central Manor Elementary School.

Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any citizens’ comments. There were none at this time.

Mr. Bleacher asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the September 13, 1999, School Board Meeting. There were none. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the minutes as printed. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Dr. Moskalski recognized Mr. Stephen Skrocki, Mr. Randy Wolfgang, and Mr. Christopher Johnston for achieving PASBO certification in their positions. He commended the commitment of these individuals to maintaining this certification and their desire to be an asset to Penn Manor. Mr. Bleacher congratulated the three individuals on their achievement.

Mr. Emerson Frey, a member of the Act 50 Investigative Committee, spoke to the Board on behalf of the committee. Miss Debra Caldwell, committee member, was also in attendance. Mr. Frey informed the Board that the committee met on five separate occasions. He stated that the conclusions he was about to share with the Board were unanimously reached by the com-

mittee. He then reviewed conclusions reached by the Act 50 Investigative Committee for the Board as attached to the Minutes. After sharing these conclusions Mr. Frey reminded Board members that the responsibility of the committee was to come to the Board with recommendations. He then shared the recommendations of the committee as attached to these Minutes. Following Mr. Frey’s presentation Mr. Bleacher stated that the entire Board wished to thank the committee for their efforts in reaching these conclusions and recommendations.

Dr. Moskalski then provided current information with regard to home school and private/parochial school students for the 1999/00 school year.

Julie Pohlman, student representative to the Board, informed Board members that the Homecoming Football Game was fun and well attended. She stated that the dance was also well attended and students behaved well. Julie stated that the homeroom reps have met and discussed school security. There will be a follow-up meeting this week which will determine what students think. Julie stated she will share this information with the Board. Julie also stated that graduation projects are being worked on.

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Dr. Frerichs to approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of September, 1999, as presented and to authorize payment of bills in the amounts of $231,800.25 dated September 1, 1999, $23,911.77 dated August 31, 1999, $74,991.80 dated September 8, 1999, $73,664.71 dated September 14, 1999, $335,063.77 dated September 15, 1999, $18,806.28 dated September 14, 1999, $336,119.46 dated September 20, 1999, $259,893.07 dated September 24, 1999, $458,154.76 dated September 29, 1999, $32,156.06 dated September 27, 1999, and $370,384.11 dated September 30, 1999, for a total of $2,214,946.04 from the General Fund; $55,748.34 dated September 21, 1999, for a total of $55,748.34 from the Cafeteria Fund; $10,179.93 dated September 22, 1999, for a total of $10,179.93 from the Health Care Fund; and payroll in the amounts of $515,170.85 dated September 1, 1999, $539,559.17 dated September 15, 1999 and $554,801.98 dated September 29, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve a Farm Lease Agreement with David Hoover in the amount of $138.13 per acre effective for a one-year period beginning November 1, 1999 through October 31, 2000. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes;

P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve a Resolution Restating and Amending a Resolution Imposing a Tax on Earned Income and Net Profits of Individual Residents of Penn Manor School District as attached. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached canary sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve a search for an architect to be used for the anticipated renovations at Letort and Eshleman Elementary Schools. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

It was moved by Mrs. Wert and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the building handbooks as previously reviewed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve the tax exonerations as attached to the Minutes. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached green sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the following student, having met the criteria as set forth in our Non-resident Student Policy, as a 50% Tuition Senior effective with the beginning of the 1999/2000 school year.

Scott Dilger
The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Hibshman to approve the Request for Section 1504 (Act 80) Exception as attached. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached salmon sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to accept the bus drivers listed below for the 1999/00 school term.

Sharon Enck
Holly Rittenhouse

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Mrs. Withum to appoint the individuals listed below to the co-curricular positions cited for the 1999/00 school term with the stipend to be in accordance with the Negotiated Agreement.

High School
Fall Play Set Construction......................................................Ben Stiles
Spring Musical Set Construction..........................................Ben Stiles
Debate Club...................................................................................Julie Shirk
Spring Musical Set Designer/Art Coordinator......Maryann Harpin
Fall Play Costume Coordinator..................................Candy Thompson

Manor Middle School - to be paid from Drug Free Schools Money
Peer Helper............................................................................Maricia Kligge
(second peer helper - 1999/00 school year only)

Marticville Middle School - to be paid from Drug Free Schools Money
Peer Helper..............................................................................Kelly Pontius
(second peer helper - 1999/00 school year only)

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mr. Kreider to grant Family Medical Leave to the individual listed below according to the terms listed:

Braun, Gretchen L. - Family Medical Leave to begin January 3, 2000,
and end March 24, 2000

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Mr. Hibshman and seconded by Mrs. Withum to grant
Family Medical Leave and Child Rearing Leave to the individual listed below according to the terms listed:

Swope, Melinda G. - Family Medical Leave to begin January 24,
2000, and end April 14, 2000; Child Rearing Leave to begin April
17, 2000, until the end of the 2000/01 school year

The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the individuals listed on the attached sheet for substitute teaching within the school district until such time that either the school district or the individual would opt to have their name deleted from the substitute teacher list. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached cherry sheet)

It was moved by Mr. Bleacher and seconded by Mrs. Withum to accept the individuals listed on the attached sheet for employment or change in status(*) according to the terms listed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached orchid sheet)

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Withum to accept the following resignation:

Tomoney, Toney - Part-time Custodian/Conestoga Elementary -
effective 8/30/99

This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to accept the individuals listed on the attached sheets for employment according to the terms listed. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached turquoise sheets)

It was moved by Mrs. Wert and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the final budget transfers for 1998/99 as listed on the attached sheets. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached ivory sheets)

It was moved by Mr. Kreider and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the employment of Yarnell Security Systems to serve as the high school security consultant at a rate of $59 per hour effective 10/21/99. The fee will include specification development and review of the current system. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the amending of the National School Lunch Program Agreement (#113-36-520-3) to permit the serving of breakfast at Conestoga Elementary School effective November 1, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Mr. Herr and seconded by Mr. Kreider to approve the hiring of a 4 hour per day aide for the Athletic Director’s Office at the high school effective 10/12/99. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Jack H. Bleacher, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Richard L. Hibshman, yes; William L. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.

It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Bleacher to approve for “First Reading” the Recovery of Training Costs Policy as presented. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Ms. Herr to adjourn at 9:03 p.m. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Jack H. Bleacher, President

Dolores E. Warfel, Secretary