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School Board Minutes
January 10, 1999 Committe of the Whole & School Board Meeting |
MINUTES Committee of the Whole January 10, 2000 The Penn Manor School Board met in Executive Session on the above date at 6:45 p.m. in a classroom of the Hambright Elementary School. Present were Mr. Anderson, Mr. Fields, Dr. Frerichs, Ms. Herr, Mr. Herr, Mr. Kline, Mr. Kreider, Mrs. Wert, and Mrs. Withum. They convened as a Committee of the Whole at 7:14 p.m. In addition to the above cited Board members present from the administrative staff were Dr. Campbell, Mr. Skrocki, and Mr. Stewart. Also in attendance were Ms. Mindish and Mr. Hottenstein for their segment of the meeting, Mrs. Griffis in her role as Acting Principal of Hambright, Penn Manor residents, and Dolores Warfel. The meeting was called to order at 7:14 p.m. by Mr. Herr. Mr. Herr asked if there were any Citizens Comments. There were none at this time. Miss Mindish introduced Mr. Jason Hottenstein the School Resource Officer based at the High School. She distributed information pertaining to the rules and regulations for this position established when applying for the grant which is currently paying for the resource officer. Mr. Hottenstein provided background information with regard to his education and employment history. He stated that he will be analyzing security at the high school and providing suggestions from the law enforcement safety aspect and will be meeting with homerooms for student input regarding safety. Mr. Hottenstein stated that things are going well. He said students are getting used to his being in the building and beginning to talk to him in the hallways. Mr. Hottenstein was asked if he wore a uniform when working in the high school. He stated that he did not. Discussion ensued regarding the merits of not wearing a uniform. Dr. Campbell then reviewed the history of Reading Recovery and informed those in attendance that they were invited to go with the Board to Mrs. Amy Cubas classroom for a behind the glass Reading Recovery demonstration. Mr. Skrocki presented information regarding the employment of Moore Engineering for engineering services for electrical renovations at Martic Elementary School. He reviewed the Capital Reserve Fund and stated that payment to Moore Engineering for this service would come from this fund. The approximate cost to the district would be $8,900. Mr. Skrocki stated that this project is necessary due in part to the fact that additional electric service (grounding, etc.) is required for classroom computers. He recommended employment of Moore Engineers to work up the design and bidding specs with a timeline for completion of the project in June or July. This item was approved for placement on the January School Board Meeting Agenda on a motion by Dr. Frerichs, a second by Mrs. Withum, and a unanimous voice vote. The January School Board Meeting Agenda and Addendum were then reviewed. Item 10-A6 - Employment or Change in Status(*) - Mr. Stewart informed the Board that an individual (Michael Trump) listed on the turquoise sheet had accepted a permanent position with his home district and therefore needed to be removed from the list. He asked that the list be approved as amended. Item 10-B1 - Resignations - Dr. Frerichs asked if the In-School Suspension Monitor who was resigning had been replaced. Dr. Campbell indicated that a replacement had been found. Item 10-B3 - Retirements - Dr. Campbell informed the Board that James Findley was retiring and acknowledged appreciation for his hard work and positive attitude. He stated that Mr. Findley has worked for the district for many years and that he will be missed. Mr. Stewart then reviewed the history of the Employee Recognition Dinner. He stated that May 4 is being looked at as a possible date for the dinner. Mr. Stewart stated that Mrs. Withum agreed to represent the Board in the planning, etc. of the dinner and asked for additional direction from the Board with regard to the dinner. Mrs. Withum recommended following the present format for the dinner scheduled for May of 2000 with a review of the format after the dinner to determine if changes need to be made for the dinner in 2001. Discussion ensued regarding the selection of classified staff for an outstanding staff member recognition. It was agreed that there should be the addition of recognition for an outstanding staff member(s). Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Withum will get together and come up with a means of nominating classified personnel. Dr. Campbell updated the Board regarding student trips outside of Lancaster County. He discussed #4 of the current policy and the question of whether students participating should fall under the Code of Conduct and district sanction. He reminded Board members that #4 was put in the policy at the suggestion of the solicitor. Dr. Campbell stated that he contacted the solicitor regarding this item and the solicitor suggested it remain in the policy. The solicitor also suggested that students sign a waiver. Dr. Campbell said we do not need to have students under the Code of Conduct. He stated that if students did something inappropriate while on a trip they would fall under the same policies as if they were in school. Funding for A.P. tests was reviewed. Dr. Campbell referred Board members to the tan sheet attached to the Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda. He reviewed the fact that, as indicated on the attachment, students are required to take the A.P. exams. If Penn Manor paid for the tests, $7,500 of unbudgeted money would be involved. Dr. Campbell stated that there may be an implied obligation but the money is not budgeted. Discussion then took place regarding whether the tests should be paid for since we require the students to take them. Dr. Campbell stated that students are required to do things in other classes where we do not pay for requirements. Ms. Herr gave several examples (i.e., cameras required for photography class, etc.) and stated she does not feel the tests should be paid for. Mrs. Withum stated that she feels we should pay for the tests as support for the academic efforts of students since we pay for many items connected with athletics. Discussion ensued involving various Board members and their concerns. Mrs. Wert questioned the purpose for requiring the test. Dr. Campbell said it was to inform students that the test was important and to give them practice at taking tests at that level. Jon Ichter, student representative to the Board, stated that he took an A.P. course last year where the guidance counselors informed students that if they could not pay for the test it would be taken care of. Mr. Kline asked if students do better in the course if they are required to take the test. Dr. Campbell said he did not know. Mrs. Wert stated that she feels we need to evaluate whether students should be required to take the test. Mrs. Withum would like to see a listing of every class having extra costs and whether or not these extra costs are being paid for. Mr. David Milisock, 102 Spring Meadow Lane, stated that he had difficulty with what was going on. He stated that Penn Manor is supposed to provide a free public education to its students. He also stated that if the Board requires the students to take the test they should pay for it. The goal, Mr. Milisock stated, is to graduate students with their best foot forward. Ms. Herr said senior citizens may not understand paying for the tests. She stated that, however, not paying for the tests is not a matter of money - it is a matter of principle. Mr. Anderson stated that the students have the option of taking the course, they are not required to take it. Dr. Frerichs moved that discussion of this topic be carried over to the next Committee of the Whole Meeting at which time Dr. Campbell should provide answers to questions raised by the Board. Mr. Fields seconded this motion which was passed by a unanimous voice vote. The committee adjourned at 8:30 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Fields, a second by Mr. Kline, and a unanimous voice vote. MINUTES School Board Meeting January 10, 2000 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District was held on the above date in the All-Purpose Room of the Hambright Elementary School. The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. C. Willis Herr, at 8:34 p.m. The following members were present: Mr. Donald H. Anderson, Mr. P. Wayne Fields, Dr. Richard L. Frerichs, Ms. Sharron M. Herr, Mr. C. Willis Herr, Mr. Patrick T. Kline, Mr. Jeffrey G. Kreider, Mrs. Donna J. Wert, and Mrs. Kelly K. Withum. Also present were Dr. Gary B. Campbell, Substitute Superintendent, Mr. Stephen B. Skrocki, Administrative Assistant for Business, and Mr. Donald F. Stewart, Elementary Coordinator. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Fields and was followed by the salute to the flag. Mr. Herr announced that the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors of the Penn Manor School District will be held on Monday, February 7, 2000, in the All-Purpose Room of the Pequea Elementary School. Mr. Herr asked if there were any Citizens Comments. Mr. Charlie Rohrer, Pequea Valley School Board member, introduced himself and informed those in attendance that he was visiting Board meetings of all districts in the county this school year. He extended an invitation to Penn Manor Board members to attend a Pequea Valley Board Meeting. Mr. David Milisock, 102 Spring Meadow Lane, Washington Boro, thanked Mr. Skrocki for his help with regard to Act 50. He stated he was not at the recent meeting held at Marticville Middle School regarding violence but stated he is supportive of how the district handled the situation. He stated that he realizes the difficult position Dr. Campbell was put in with regard to maintaining the privacy of juveniles within the law and yet providing parents with enough information. Mr. Milisock stated that he hoped Board members had more common sense than to suspend a six year old student for dropping a nail clippers out of his backpack as was recently done in a Pennsylvania school district. Mr. Herr asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of the December 6, 1999, School Board Meeting. There were none. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the minutes as printed. This motion was passed by a unanimous voice vote. Dr. Campbell acknowledged the efforts of Mrs. Griffis with regard to recognition received for Best Practices of Staff Development. He stated that Penn Manor had 84 workshops relating to technology provided last year for staff development. Penn Manor was one of eleven districts over the Commonwealth receiving recognition. Mrs. Griffis stated that a lot of credit needed to go to Mr. Reisinger, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Lichtenwalner - members of the Penn Manor technology team. Dr. Campbell stated that the last several weeks have been exciting, frustrating, and challenging. He said he hopes that concerns with threats and violence soon subside. He informed those in attendance that a Crisis Response Team is being organized which will be comprised of staff members and key people across the district. Penn Manors solicitor will be conducting a program for the team with Board members participating in the program. The goal is to learn what we can do, what we cant do, what we can say, and what we cant say. Dr. Campbell restated that privacy and confidentiality must be honored. He stated that honoring these two areas makes a situation difficult for everyone. Dr. Campbell also stated that a rumor hot line is being established. He stressed to those in attendance that student safety is a major concern of the administration and Board. Jon Ichter, senior student representative, discussed the School Resource Officer, stated there have been problems with smoking and vandalism in bathrooms, there have been student debates with regard to school uniforms, and names for the new gym have been discussed. Jon stated that alumni were on hand to talk to students in homeroom regarding preparing for college by developing better study habits, taking harder classes, doing more writing, etc. He stated that Student Council will be taking a more proactive role with regard to recent events. He also stated that members of Student Council will be present at the Parent Coffee scheduled for January 24. Julie Pohlman, junior student representative, informed the Board that Student Council is placing suggestion boxes around the high school. Students are asked to provide suggestions on how to make the school better, how to improve school pride, etc. She also informed Board members that finals are coming up. It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Mr. Anderson to approve the Treasurers Report for the month of December, 1999, as presented and to authorize payment of bills in the amounts of $25,548.65 dated November 23, 1999, $320,288.62 dated December 7, 1999, $50,528.34 dated December 7, 1999, $254,958.81 dated December 8, 1999, $113,987.15 dated December 13, 1999, $23,271.66 dated December 21, 1999, $446,031.73 dated December 22, 1999, and $474,492.71 dated December 22, 1999, for a total of $1,709,107.67 from the General Fund; $60,703.65 dated November 24, 1999, and $78,533.65 dated December 14, 1999, for a total of $139,237.30 from the Cafeteria Fund; $693.03 dated December 23, 1999 from the Capital Reserve Fund; $1,500.00 dated December 22, 1999 from the 1996 Construction Fund; and payroll in the amounts of $524,539.77 dated December 8, 1999, $544,858.66 dated December 22,1999, and $527,162.56 dated January 5, 2000. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve the attached resolution in order to levy interim taxes on electrical generating properties effective 1/1/00. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached canary sheet) It was moved by Ms. Herr and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve an Amended Farm Lease Agreement with J. Bruce Heisey allowing him to farm 7.653 acres at Comet Field for $140.89 per acre effective November 1, 1999. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mrs. Withum, to approve the following Special Education Supplemental Contracts with Lancaster-Lebanon I.U. 13: Employment of an Instructor in the Home for a MDS student for a maximum of 1 hour a week beginning November 29, for the 1999/2000 school year at an estimated cost of $968, Employment of an Instructor in the Home for an LD student for a maximum of 6 hours a week for 23.2 weeks during the 1999/2000 school year at an estimated cost of $5,200. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Ms. Herr and seconded by Mrs. Withum to approve the tax exonerations as attached to the Minutes. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached green sheets) It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the budget transfers listed on the attached sheets. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached salmon sheets) It was moved by Mr. Fields and seconded by Ms. Herr to approve the ratification of the 2000 electricity bid to Niagara Mohawk Energy Marketing as per the attached sheet. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached pink sheet) It was moved by Mrs. Withum and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve the action of the committee as listed on the attached sheets and the addendum. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached lavender sheets) It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Ms. Herr to appoint the firm of TROUT, EBERSOLE AND GROFF as auditor for the school district for the 1999/00 fiscal year audit. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. It was moved by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mrs. Wert to approve Gilbert Architects for architectural services relating to the Letort and Eshleman Elementary renovation project as per the attached fee schedule. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, abstained due to employment with Gilbert Architects; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes. (see attached orchid sheet) It was moved by Dr. Frerichs and seconded by Mr. Fields to approve the rescinding of a Sabbatical Leave granted to Mrs. Madelyn Ritz for the second semester of the 1999/00 school year. The following call vote was taken on this motion: Donald H. Anderson, yes; P. Wayne Fields, yes; Richard L. Frerichs, yes; Sharron M. Herr, yes; C. Willis Herr, yes; Patrick T. Kline, yes; Jeffrey G. Kreider, yes; Donna J. Wert, yes; and Kelly K. Withum, yes.
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