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School Board Minutes

March 06, 2000 Committe of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Committee of the Whole
March 6, 2000

The Penn Manor School Board met as a Committee of the Whole on the above date at 4:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Manor Middle School. Present were Mr. Anderson, Mr. Fields (arriving at 4:39 p.m.), Dr. Frerichs, Ms. Herr, Mr. Herr, Mr. Kline, Mr. Kreider, Mrs. Wert, and Mrs. Withum. Present from the administrative staff were Dr. Campbell, Mr. Skrocki, and Mr. Stewart. Also in attendance were Penn Manor residents, Elementary Guidance Counselors - Miss Johnson, Miss Remesnik, Mrs. Weaver and Miss Baker - for their presentation, Mr. Leichliter, Mr. Harris for his presentation, and Dolores Warfel.

The meeting was called to order at 4:09 p.m. by Mr. Herr.

Mr. Herr asked if there were any Citizen’s Comments. There were none at this time.

Mr. Herr informed those in attendance that discussion concerning Eshleman and Letort would occur at the Wednesday, March 8, meeting. He also informed those in attendance that former Board member, Dave Neff, passed away and that Norm Gerlach had open heart surgery and was doing well.

Mr. Stewart introduced Mr. Michael Leichliter, Guidance Department Coordinator, who in turn introduced the four elementary guidance counselors in attendance for their presentation. Mr. Leichliter informed the Board that three of the four counselors were new this year. He stated that Dr. Campbell wanted guidance to be pro-active and that the counselors have been working on that. The guidance counselors then updated the Board with regard to the elementary guidance program. They stated that they have been attempting to develop and implement a comprehensive elementary counseling program that encourages academic development. The first component of the program supports growth in the academic areas, particularly study skills. The second component of the guidance curriculum includes instruction for sixth graders designed to increase career awareness. Areas covered in this component are: understanding how interests, work values, achievements, and abilities impact career choices; the impact punctuality and professionalism has on securing a job; and the importance of the lack of prejudice, bias, or stereotyping. The third component of the program is personal/social development. This component covers students in grades kindergarten through sixth with age-appropriate classroom lessons in each grade level expanding and building upon one another as students progress through the elementary grades. Dr. Campbell asked the counselors what they would do if additional elementary guidance personnel was available. Miss Baker stated that it would be ideal to have one counselor per building. This would allow the counselors to do more with curriculum and do a better job with follow up services. Miss Remesnik, the only elementary counselor with one building, said she is able to extend programs and do more in the classroom than counselors having more than one building. She stated that being in one building every day allows her to get to know the students better. Dr. Campbell questioned if the academic side of counseling has been improved. Miss Baker said there has been a noticeable increase in the number of students taking advantage of study skills, etc. She stated that she focuses on study skills at the fifth grade level while Miss Remesnik can focus on grades four through six due to having only one building. Mrs. Weaver discussed work that she is doing with small groups. Miss Johnson said she was in three schools last year and is in two schools this year. She said having one less building this year has made it possible for her to better monitor students and help teachers facilitate student programs. Dr. Campbell thanked the counselors for their efforts. Ms. Herr questioned social skills. She stated she has been alarmed about happenings in the media and concerned about equality. She wondered if we have enough counseling staff members to meet the needs of students at the elementary level. The counselors unanimously agreed that they felt elementary guidance is the place to begin working with conflict skills. Mrs. Weaver said she has had a request for the Peacemakers Program, an intermediate program, at the primary level. She also stated there has been discussion regarding Peer Mediation. Ms. Herr questioned whether or not we have ever had Penn Manor elementary students go to another district for exposure. Miss Johnson said it has not been done in the past but can be done in the future. Board members thanked the counselors for their presentation.

Mr. Harris then presented information to Board members with regard to special education. He updated the Board with regard to students with disabilities. Mr. Harris stated that there are currently 626 Penn Manor students with disabilities with 558 of these students being educated in Penn Manor. The remainder of the students are educated by the I.U. Mrs. Wert questioned the reason for the increase from 8.7% students with disabilities in 1995 to 11.4% in 1999. Mr. Harris said the number one reason for that is that parents are seeking the protection that learning disabilities provides their child. Mr. Harris stated that he does every MDE in the district. Mr. Herr asked that Mr. Harris explain what an MDE is. Mr. Harris stated that he would be happy to sit down and discuss special education with Board members who are able to spend three hours with him. He would cover special education in general, acronyms (MDE, IEP), Pennsylvania terminology, and federal terminology. Mr. Kline asked Mr. Harris to explain briefly. Mr. Harris said if you are a regular ed student you are treated like everyone else. However, if you are a special needs student you can not be suspended or expelled without your special needs being looked at. Dr. Campbell said if the child’s disability is the cause of the misconduct, you can not punish the child. If the child is labeled, the most they can be suspended for is 15 days unless weapons or the sale of drugs are involved. In those cases a special needs student can be placed somewhere else for 45 days. Mr. Harris then briefly discussed the projected I.U. budget in the amount of $784,998 (as of March 6), the supplies budget, and contractual services/obligations budgets. He stated that money will have to be added for special needs students who move into the district. Mr. Skrocki also stated that supplemental contracts are not included in this figure. He anticipated the addition of from $75,000-$100,000 to the proposed figure. Dr. Frerichs questioned whether the supplies budget would increase. Mr. Harris said ACCESS and IDEA monies could be used if need be. He stated that neither the supplies budget nor the obligations budget should increase. Mr. Skrocki stated that the third component for the special education budget will be presented at a later date - the I.U. Contract. He said salaries are a separate item and will be discussed at a later date as well. Mrs. Withum questioned whether there were any classes in the I.U. that Penn Manor could take over at a savings to Penn Manor. Mr. Harris said the Life Skills Support and Emotional Support classes could be taken over but not next year. He said it would take a year to address staff positions, classroom space, transportation, and special service needs. He said we would need more classrooms, another psychologist and a social worker. When Penn Manor took over I.U. classes in the past it did not require additional classrooms, additional psychologist services, or employment of a social worker. Mrs. Withum asked if Mr. Skrocki and Mr. Harris could work up hypothetical costs for the Board to review for taking over these classes. Mr. Skrocki and Mr. Harris will get together and provide these figures at a later date. Discussion ensued regarding the possible value to Penn Manor if these programs were to be run by the district as well as regulations set by the Office of Civil Rights pertaining to special needs students. Ms. Herr suggested consideration be given to Penn Manor operating a program and contracting services to other districts. Board members thanked Mr. Harris for his presentation.

Mr. Stewart reviewed the elementary foreign language pilot program. He informed Board members that there are three models - Immersion, Exploratory Program taught by a specialist, and Exploratory Program taught by classroom teachers. Mr. Stewart stated that Manheim Township runs an Immersion Model and they have found that it produces the best results with students doing better with tests on English language skills as well. Mr. Kline asked how long Manheim Township has been doing this program. Mr. Stewart said their students are now in fourth grade. An after school foreign language program was discussed as is done in Hempfield. He said the program was successful. Mr. Stewart stated that there are two after school Spanish programs in Penn Manor - one at Central Manor which is run by parent volunteers and one at Eshleman. The program at Eshleman will begin this week with Miss Lesley Kettering, a Millersville student who is student teaching with Mrs. Youtz at Manor Middle School, meeting with Eshleman students on eight Wednesdays - March 8 through April 26 - from 3:35 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. Parents are paying $40 for students to participate. Mr. Stewart said a minimum of ten students was required to offer the program. Currently 11 students are enrolled. Any cost incurred for materials that exceeds the money paid by the students involved in this program will be covered by the PTO. Dr. Stewart indicated that he felt his PTO would be willing to help pay for interested students whose parents are unable to afford the program. Dr. Frerichs stated that programs such as these could be combined with student teaching assignments although the number of students taking Spanish for instance would be limited. Mr. Kline asked Mr. Stewart what he hopes the next step will be if this program is successful. Mr. Stewart said he will talk with Miss Kettering at the end of the eight weeks and ask her for suggestions. He also said he will advocate to the elementary principals that there is a way to have after school programs available to Penn Manor students. He stated that his PTO members will also discuss this topic with other PTO members. Dr. Frerichs stated this is a project that could also be involved with senior projects. Mr. Stewart said he has also had requests for German, French, and Russian. Mrs. Wert stated that she is in favor of immersion and questioned if it needs to go through grade 6. Mr. Stewart said it could initially be set up for K-2 with the understanding that the program would be looked at for continuation at the end of that period. Discussion ensued regarding the possible placement of an immersion class at a particular building with parents being responsible for providing transportation. He stated that the only way a program like this could work would be if parents provide transportation. She wondered if such a program could start at first grade. Mr. Stewart said he would write to every kindergarten student’s parent surveying them as to their interest in an immersion program and their willingness to transport their child to Pequea Elementary School if an immersion class were held there. Ms. Herr suggested putting fliers out and seeing what interest is out there. Dr. Campbell said he would like to look at logistics. Mr. Fields suggested continuing the after school program format in 2000-2001 and then going to immersion the following year. Mr. Stewart stated that he felt the biggest problem with establishing such a class would be finding a certified teacher. Mr. Kline wondered if there was a negative side to such programs. Mr. Stewart indicated his concerns would be finding a certified teacher and being able to maintain the program without having that individual vacate the position at a later date.

Mr. Stewart then distributed information regarding 2000-2001 staffing needs. He stated that the cover sheet on the packet distributed was prioritized, contingent upon the budget process and that it is a modification of submitted requests being provided for Board awareness purposes. Dr. Frerichs questioned the necessity of item 1 - secondary special education teacher - on the priority listing. Dr. Campbell said he and Mr. Stewart have reviewed the need for a secondary special education teacher with Mr. Harris. He indicated that this position needs to be filled in order for Penn Manor to be in compliance. Penn Manor currently has 12% of their students labeled. Dr. Campbell said a conscious effort must be made to reach students with problems at the kindergarten and first grade level. He said a possible proposal would be to keep kindergarten students who are behind for the entire day rather than only half a day and immerse them in reading and math the second half of their day. Mr. Stewart stated that some of the requests made are not listed in the priority list as they do not require the Board action required of those given priority. Dr. Campbell informed the Board that the cost for priority item 2 - psychologist intern - which he feels is a necessity could go to $15,000. This person will provide testing support for the current psychologists that exist due to increased demands from parents in addition to other duties. Dr. Campbell stated that he would like to see item 3 - two CSS members - put in the budget and then look at the impact it has had on the program. If the addition of these individuals has been beneficial, keep both positions. If not, cut back to one. Dr. Campbell said the gifted program is moving forward. He stated that item 4 - one full-time gifted teacher - is necessary if we are to enable students to compete in contests. Item 5 - 1.5 elementary counselors - was discussed. Dr. Campbell said the counseling program has come a long way. He stated that if we increased the department by the requested 1.5 counselors that would be the end of requests for additional personnel for a long time. Discussion ensued regarding part-time employees, benefits provided them in the Negotiated Agreement, and desirability of part-time positions. Dr. Campbell stated that requests for part-time positions are looked at on an individual basis. They are not based on what is best for the teacher but what is best for students. Item 6 - .5 high school teacher - was discussed. Dr. Frerichs asked if this person was not hired would the class not be offered. Dr. Campbell stated that he felt the high school administration, if asked, would indicate they did not presently have enough personnel to provide this class. Mrs. Withum questioned why the Twilight School was not listed as a priority. Mr. Stewart said we are not prepared to say we are opening an approved alternative education program in September. He stated that continuing the current program would not be a new budget line item. Mr. Stewart stated that he has talked with administrators from Lampeter-Strasburg who have an approved after hours program. He stated they have 11 students in the program with 10 of the 11 students in the program with their families saying this is the best way for their children to receive an education. The remaining student is in the program due to a suspension. Mr. Stewart said Penn Manor would have to have upwards to 20 students ready to enroll in an alternative education program. He stated that he feels it would be difficult to get parents of 20 students who are able to transport their students to and from the program. Mr. Stewart stated that an approved alternative education program has to have a mechanism in place for students to return to school within the school year, therefore, certain students would not qualify for return to school due to the nature of their suspension. He stated that a program could not be ready by September. Mr. Stewart indicated that the After Hours Tutoring Program could, however, be expanded.

Mr. Skrocki then discussed a property tax deferral program, a provision of Act 50, which he was recently asked to investigate. He stated that this program can be implemented without implementing Act 50. It would allow individuals, regardless of age, whose income meets the eligibility requirements for the Senior Citizens Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program, to defer increases in property taxes levied on their homestead. Once approved, the taxpayer would be permitted to defer increases in property taxes on their homestead property above the level imposed in the year prior to participation in the program. The annual deferral would be equal to the increase in the property taxes on the homestead property. Mr. Skrocki stated that no school district in I.U.13 is considering implementing this program. There are too many unanswered questions. In addition, Penn Manor would need additional staff to oversee the program, software programming changes, and extensive legal review to ensure the program is being implemented in accordance with Act 50. Mr. Skrocki recommended not pursuing this program at this point in time.

Dr. Campbell then discussed district security. He stated that Mr. Skrocki came up with an excellent solution to our security concerns. Mr. Skrocki then discussed security at the high school. He reviewed past suggestions such as a card stacking system, swipe system, etc. and the fact that a company had been employed to provide specifications with the end result being that we did not get much more than originally envisioned for the high school. He stated that the high school security system has been non-operational for the last three years. The way the original specifications were developed was the problem. Mr. Skrocki stated that he met with Security Link. Security Link is willing to install a restrictive control access system that will identify the location of the alarm in the building when activated, transmit an alarm when activated to the monitoring company who will in turn contact the proper authority (fire, police, etc.). The high school will be able to be monitored by zone with fire doors between zone one and zone two being the dividers. He stated that Security Link is willing to waive the labor costs of installation as a good will gesture. Mr. Skrocki stated that the plan is to have the building closed between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Dr. Frerichs stated that he has a concern with limiting use of the building by teachers at specific times. He stated that he feels if teachers want to enter the building to work they should be able to do so. He asked that Mr. Skrocki look into his concern and determine if teachers are okay with not having access to the building. Discussion ensued regarding how the alarms could be activated with lack of communication being a major factor. Mr. Skrocki said the high school administration is considering having a sign-in sheet for use during weekends. Mr. Skrocki stated that individuals activating the alarm by mistake will be charged for the cost of the response. He stated that four elementary buildings do not have security systems. It would cost approximately $30,000-$40,000 to install systems in those buildings. Mr. Skrocki stated there is money in the Capital Reserve Fund, as well as $5,000 left over out of Safe Schools money, to use for security district-wide. He stated Penn Manor may be able to pay for the entire high school project from Safe Schools money. Mr. Skrocki stated that the Board would have to authorize bidding for the project. Mr. Anderson asked if the security company would be locked in to the project. Mr. Skrocki said they would be recommended for the monitoring part of the project but any company wishing to may submit a proposal for additional projects. On a motion by Ms. Herr, a second by Mr. Kline, and a unanimous voice vote the Board approved placement of approval to bid the project on the March School Board Meeting Agenda.

Mr. Skrocki distributed information regarding Per Capita and Occupation Taxes. He stated that there is a growing trend for districts to look at elimination of these taxes and recommended that Penn Manor consider eliminating these taxes for the 2000-2001 year. Discussion ensued regarding the fact that business and industry would suffer the most by the elimination of these taxes. Mr. Skrocki reviewed the history behind these taxes and provided several case studies for the Board’s review. He stated that a decision needs to be made regarding elimination of these taxes at this time so we can terminate our contract with Berkheimer Associates by April 1. He stated these taxes are nuisance taxes and would be eliminated if Act 50 were implemented. They are separate from Real Estate Taxes, billed separately, and are more difficult to collect. Mr. Skrocki informed Board members that Penn Manor could replace the $479,252 Per Capita/Occupation Tax with approximately $440,555 of Real Estate Tax - .28 mills (less than a 2% increase). Mr. Skrocki said there is a need for additional secretarial time at Manor Middle School which could be met by the person in the Business Office who currently works on Per Capita and Occupation Taxes should they be eliminated. Dr. Frerichs stated he is concerned about the perception of taxes being raised. Mr. Skrocki stated it is really a tax shift. It was determined that this problem could be overcome with proper communication. Mr. Skrocki said a notice will be put in the Above and Beyond, on the web page, included in Real Estate Tax bill instructions, and in the newspapers. Mr. Herr asked if those in attendance had any thoughts. Mrs. Angie Anderson said she did not see it as a big issue. On a motion by Ms. Herr, a second by Mr. Fields, and a unanimous voice vote placement of cessation to collect Per Capita/Occupation Taxes was approved for placement on the March School Board Meeting Agenda.

Mr. Stewart distributed information regarding the Woods Edge Development. He reviewed reasons for his original recommendation to reassign students living in Woods Edge and Hambright families living west of Centerville Road to Central Manor effective with the 2000-2001 school year. Mr. Stewart said he was not asking for a decision at this time. He now recommended that a decision regarding reassignment of these students be withheld until after a decision is made regarding Eshleman and Letort Elementary Schools. If situations stay as they are currently recommended, he would again recommend reassigning Woods Edge students to Central Manor and would come to the Board in April or May with a recommendation. Mrs. Nancy Kratzer, 126 Pine Ridge, parent of a Hambright second grade student then informed the Board of difficulties that would occur for her should the reassignment be made. Her daughter currently attends a day care at a facility that transports her to and from Hambright each day. This facility does not transport to Central Manor. Ms. Herr suggested Mrs. Kratzer contact Central Manor Principal, Mrs. Holt, for a possible list of people providing day care in the Central Manor area or contact the YWCA regarding their after school program. Mr. Jeff Wildasin, Woods Edge resident, stated there will be approximately 200 homes built in Woods Edge. He stated that he was initially opposed to the reassignment but has decided that if the move was not made now it would probably be done later due to the development’s growth. He stated that he feels the reassignment is a good idea at the current time and is in support of the reassignment as long as the Eshleman and Letort issue doesn’t affect Woods Edge again. Mrs. Barbara Armstrong, Woods Edge resident, said she agrees with the reassignment but has a question as to why Woods Edge. Mr. Stewart said geographical location is the biggest part of the reason with Woods Edge having a potential for significant growth. Mrs. Armstrong questioned whether Woods Edge children would be moved again as a result of Eshleman and Letort issue. Mr. Stewart stated that past practice has been to not again reassign students once they have been reassigned. Mrs. Armstrong asked if reassigned Hambright students would stay together in their classes if reassigned. Mr. Stewart said past practice is to meet with parents and have parents express their desires regarding their child’s placement. Mrs. Armstrong wondered if students would be notified prior to the start of school next year. Mr. Stewart stated that parents would be notified and invited to visit Central Manor as soon as a decision was made. Mrs. Angie Anderson questioned whether before and after school programs could be looked into in order to help parents with babysitting problems, transportation concerns, etc. She stated that she recognizes that these issues are not district problems but give the district the opportunity to make change easier. Mr. Ken Brent, Woods Edge resident, stated that Georgetown Hills students attend several schools and questioned why they were not put into one school thereby having the same affect as reassigning Woods Edge students. Mr. Stewart stated that Georgetown Hills is what is known as a gray area. In fact, Georgetown Hills is Penn Manor’s largest gray area. Mr. Stewart stated that gray areas serve a purpose in that a student moving into Georgetown Hills can be assigned to a building with low class size enabling him to balance class size. Mr. Herr thanked those in attendance for their input.

Mr. Skrocki reviewed the individual building budgets. He stated that total building level budgets amount to less than 2.5% of the entire budget. These budgets are based on projected 2000-2001 enrollments. Mr. Skrocki stated there is a 0% increase over the current year’s budgets anticipated. Decline in projected enrollments and unspent money from the previous year are the two major reasons for a 0% increase. Most of the budget items are general supplies for teachers, payment for contracted services, computer and textbook purchases, or purchased services. Dr. Frerichs questioned the $4,000 increase in testing supplies. Mr. Stewart stated we have been using the Stanford Test which is no longer being scored; thus, a new test is being looked for. The test would be used in the fourth grade. Mr. Stewart stated that Mrs. Holt is heading a committee to look for a new test.

Zero tolerance was then discussed at the request of Mr. Fields. Dr. Campbell stated that zero tolerance did not give you the opportunity to deal with students on a case-by-case basis. Mrs. Withum questioned if we didn’t have a zero tolerance would we be setting ourselves up for law suits when all students are not treated in the same fashion for the same offense. Dr. Campbell said latitude comes into play when addressing this question. He said if procedure is not followed for every student you do not have the latitude to view each incident individually. If procedure is followed; however, you can have latitude with regard to sentencing. Mr. Herr indicated that he feels there are times when you can be a little more lenient. Dr. Campbell suggested that, according to Dr. Ziegler’s definition, zero tolerance means we won’t ignore it. Mrs. Withum reminded Board members that most of the heinous things that have happened have not been done by “bad” students. Dr. Campbell said he feels we should get Dr. Hoeppel and Mr. Leino involved in cases in order to determine if we have a real problem before proceeding with a decision. Mr. Fields stated that he agrees that zero tolerance means “we won’t ignore.” He stated that “latitude” and “grace” are important words. He stated that he respects recommendations made by the administration and feels Board members are there to make a final recommendation and in most cases that means support of administrative recommendation. He stated that he; however, did not like not to have the ability to recommend an easier punishment. He also stated that he feels things are tainted by what is going on in society today. Mrs. Withum stated that in some cases students are afraid or concerned about what will happen when students return to school who have been involved in serious incidents. Dr. Campbell stated he is more involved in cases prior to their reaching the Board level than was the case in the past and his involvement is taking place as a means of keeping a check on what is being done and giving some objectivity to incidents. Dr. Campbell is going to propose a change in assignment of the Judicial Review Committee next year. Mr. Kreider questioned a change in handling of offenses after students in the past had been given harsher punishment.

Dr. Campbell reviewed the request for the formation of a junior high track and field team. He stated that this would be part of the high school club program for the first year. The request is being made because there are no middle school activities for boys in the fall. Ms. Herr stated she does not support organized sports at the middle school level. She stated she would rather see the Spanish program put in place. Discussion ensued regarding equality of boys versus girls sports, whether the condition of the track would be up to use by this club, and support of academic versus athletic needs. Dr. Campbell will look into Penn Manor’s position on sports at the middle school level, boys versus girls equality, consideration of pay to play sports, etc. and get back to the Board.

Mr. Skrocki reviewed more detailed information regarding the Short-Long Term Maintenance Plan. He stated that projects receiving top priority would have a total cost of $53,500 which would be paid from the General Fund Budget. Anything beyond the items listed as number one priority would have to be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund if included in projects for 2000-2001. Ms. Herr stated that there are laws which apply (ADA) if bleachers are touched. Mr. Skrocki informed the Board that a final draft of the Long Range Maintenance/Capital Improvement Proposal is scheduled for early May before final budget adoption.

The Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau Budget item was discussed with Mr. Skrocki reviewing the history behind the 1% wage tax collected by the Bureau and the fact that Penn Manor gets .5% of that tax. He stated that all districts participating must approve the Bureau’s budget and requested authorization for placement of this item on the upcoming agenda. On a motion by Mrs. Wert, a second by Ms. Herr, and a unanimous voice vote, this item was approved for placement on the March School Board Meeting Agenda.

Mr. Stewart reviewed the proposed 2000-2001 Penn Manor School District Calendar. He said the format used is the same as that used in the past with regard to built in snow days. Mr. Stewart requested approval of this item for placement on the March School Board Meeting Agenda. On a motion by Dr. Frerichs, a second by Mr. Kline, and a unanimous voice vote this item was approved for placement on the March School Board Meeting Agenda.

Mr. Skrocki recommended that the Penn Manor School District be the first school district to allow the use of credit card payments during July and August only for payment of taxes with the taxpayer forgoing the discount that would be allowed them. The waiver of this 2% discount would offset the approximate 2% charge for credit card processing. The use of Visa and Master Card is anticipated. He suggested trying this practice for one year to determine if it benefits Penn Manor. Money received via this payment would be posted the very next day. Mr. Skrocki said we could probably consider allowing individuals to pay by credit card any time during the year if this goes well. We would be the first district in this area and probably in the state to try allowing the use of credit card payments for taxes. Other districts want to see how it goes before adopting the practice. Discussion ensued regarding this practice possibly costing Penn Manor money, the implement of a surcharge concept, and the fact that Mr. Skrocki will be meeting with Fulton Bank next week regarding Visa and Master Card approval. Mr. Skrocki recommended the Board approve payment by credit card during July and August only with the taxpayer forgoing the discount that would be allowed effective July 1. On a motion by Mrs. Withum, a second by Ms. Herr, and a unanimous voice vote this item was approved for placement on the March School Board Meeting Agenda.

Dr. Campbell informed Board members that he instructed the high school to pay for AP textbooks unless the students wants to keep the book. If the student is going to keep the text they must pay for it.

Dr. Frerichs thanked Dr. Campbell for the packet of information he sent Board members updating them on various topics. Mr. Fields commended Mr. Stewart on his presentation regarding the possible Woods Edge transfers. Ms. Herr stated she is not happy that Penn Manor High School was not listed in academic challenges in the county. She suggested this become part of the high school administration’s goals. Ms. Herr asked for information regarding dropout rates. Mr. Anderson informed those in attendance that he attended the I.U. Legislative Meeting and was very proud when he noticed that the centerpieces on the tables were provided by a class of Manor Middle School Students who are running a flower business as part of their program.

The Committee of the Whole adjourned to Executive Session at 8:31 p.m. on a motion by Mr. Fields, a second by Mr. Kline, and a unanimous voice vote.

Last Modified 4/30/01
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